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  • Emotions: Your Greatest Guide to Personal Growth
    Understanding Emotions: More Than Just Feelings Emotions are often seen as fleeting, unpredictable, and sometimes even overwhelming. But what if we told you that your emotions are actually one of the most powerful tools for self-awareness, transformation, and personal growth? Instead of resisting emotions, we can learn to understand them, embrace them, and use them… Read More »Emotions: Your Greatest Guide to Personal Growth
  • Two Assumptions That Challenge Success
    Now that I have had some time to work through the Business Book of coaching, I wanted to share a bit more of my process looking at these assumptions.
  • Ego vs Authenticity – an exploration
    Ego. Such a common word. We all understand when it is said that someone has a big ego. Yet, when we need to define exactly what it is, it is common for one to find some confusion around it. What is the ego after all? And why are we relating it to authenticity in this… Read More »Ego vs Authenticity – an exploration
  • Purpose
    Purpose is a big subject to approach. It might be common for people to seek it, yet it is too much of an abstract concept for us to understand without having experience with it. People that are more familiar with it might say that “we don’t choose our purpose, it chooses us”. In this article,… Read More »Purpose
  • Mindset and Business – APA National Panel
    I had the pleasure of working with some amazing people to talk about Mindset to the American Photographic Artists last week. It was great to be talking the same language, and supporting each other to share our deep, and moving stories.