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James Michael Beck

Website: Lifebook Military
Photo of James Michael Beck


Combat Veteran and Former Forward Artillery Observer in the United States Army – now directing my Battlefield Leadership Experience, towards the Battlefield of Life, exclusively for Members of the Military Community.


I know…it’s a complete 180 in terms of Leadership Intent, right? I mean, I used to help blow people up, now I help people build themselves up.


Well, somewhere along my way, I realized that I had become really good at a lot of things, but only great at 1 thing – destruction…Not just of my enemies in war…I made enemies out of everyone & everything in my life, including my life itself – at that point, there were only 2 choices left:

Face Everything And Rise




Fail Everything And Relent

The reality was that all I’d endured & experienced to date should have killed me (or set me up to get myself killed) and I was terrified. But instead of buckling, I went on a journey of self-discovery and growth that

(2nd only to the Grace of God) is the #1 reason I am still alive today.


You see, it was my Military Mindset that both, helped me into my troubles AND got me out of them. As someone who knows the paradox that Military Vets, Service & Family Members go through, both physically and mentally…


know that what I’m about to share with you CAN change your life, like it did mine.


But let me peel back the curtain for a moment and confess something to you…I don’t think I gave enough to Our Community when I was actively serving, and I had ZERO tools to help me fix that.


So now…


I’m on a mission to equip as many Members of the U.S. Military & Veteran Community with the support and guidance I didn’t have, and that (as a general rule) we don’t have in our paths.


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Upcoming Cohorts

Lifebook Premium starting in the next year
Tomas & Emese February 4th
Kicki December 18th
Michael January 7th
Lifebook Mastery starting in the next year
Michael March 11th
Kicki March 14th
Lifebook Accountability starting in the next year
Michael December 3rd